Friday, October 22, 2010

Friday Genealogy update

Had a friend abscond with me for a few hours today, so not much on the genealogy front, but I did make my post at Oh, Spusch this week. The final bit of the Visual Family tree I have posting there--the Jones Family.

I also had one possible revelation this week. My great-grandfather, Holger Hansen, has a brick wall on his maternal grandfather's side. I've always had his grandfather's parents listed as Lars Christensen and Oertha, and was never even sure whether that was a first or last name, as the tree had had been handed to me from my grandmother.

In entering everything into The Master Genealogist, I discovered that the name was never Oertha, but Bertha, with no given surname. Unfortunately, that made all three names horribly common, so, despairing, I asked one of my online Danish friends how the best way would be to find a marriage record for them.

He proceeded to check the record books of the town where their son was born, and found one record for the right name and date I had. But the names of the parents were off: Lars Andersen and Birreth Marie Sorensdatter. So...if I can figure out where we got the names we have (Birreth comes off sounding very much like Bertha in English), I may have found my great-great-great grandfather's parents. And jumped yet another wall on that side of the family. :)

Follow Friday:
Just a couple things today.

Two pieces on Scots-Irish; one from Carolyn L Barkley at, and one from Virginia Fox at The Faerie Folk Hid My Ancestors.

The other is a fun game about what you might want to get about/from your ancestors if you had a time machine from Lorine McGinnis Schulze at Olive Tree Genealogy.

From my Family Tree Calendar:
10/20/1845 - Rasmus Hansen was born in Knudstrup, Denmark
10/24/1865 - Else Katrine Larsen was born in Ringive, Denmark


  1. Birreth is a really cool name. I hope that's the right couple.

  2. It's prounounced much the same as Bertha, so it's quite likely. I just wish I knew where the original names had come from. It's the Christiansen/Andersen that makes me doubt.
