Saturday, July 24, 2010

More Genealogy

So, after getting fed up and whining about my Jewish Genealogy yesterday, I shifted gears and decided to go through the old family trees to make sure I had everything in my computer that was on paper.

Several years ago, I got in contact with someone who also had the Bordewick name, though they spelled it Bordewich, and he gave me a copy of his version of the family tree. Then I lost it all, including his email address, in a computer crash. Turns out I had quite a bit of it in a descendancy print-out I'd made, so I spent a lot of time going through that and comparing it to what I have now.

In doing so, I found a new tidbit. It seems that the progenitor of the Bordevick/Bordewick/Bordewich clan, Hans Heinrich, was born in Bardoweick, Germany. I knew the name had come from there, but not when or how. I'd assumed it was much further back than that. So definitely an interesting discovery. He had quite a fascinating life, too. Moved up to Norway when he was 21, and became a citizen so that he could be a shipmaster there.

It's amazing how much I'm learning, now that I'm paying attention to the little details. And how much it's finally starting to make sense.

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