Monday, July 19, 2010

Experiments in food

I don't cook enough.

I grew up in a household where my mother made most of our meals from scratch, but for some reason, it never caught with me. Likely because I didn't help her cook enough. But I'm slowly but surely trying to remedy that.

I generally only cook for myself, as my husband has a very specific diet and prefers to make his own meals. Which means when I do cook, most times, I have leftovers, so if I find I don't like something...that's food wasted. It takes a lot for me to get past that, unfortunately. But I'm trying.

First step: Finding recipes I like that I will use again.

So today, I'm marinading some chicken breast. Wings and breasts are about the only cuts of chicken I tend to eat. I got a pre-prepared pair of boneless, skinless chicken breasts from the store, and then looked up a recipe to use on, which is one of my two main places to find recipes.

The recipe I'm converting is this Barbeque Chicken recipe.

I used the converter to change the ingredient amounts to 2 servings, which worked out to:
1/3 cup lemon juice
1 1/2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 1/2 tablespoons vinegar (I used red wine vinegar)
1 teaspoon oregano
3/4 teaspoon garlic powder
2 chicken breasts

And when I cook it, I'll put it in the oven for 40 minutes to an hour (depending on how it looks), and add salt to taste when it's done.

Pretty basic, but I'll let you know how it tastes once I've finished.